>"Eric Woudenberg, Minidisc.org Editor"
>And given that OpenMG Jukebox 2.1 already supports .WAV, .WMA and .MP3
>download (via an internal transcoding to ATRAC3 step) I think NetMD
>will be very interesting after all.

Interesting to Windows users, but apparently useless to Linux/MacOS/etc
users.  By forcing all computer-driven input to be managed by OpenMG Jukebox
they're dead-ending some of their customer base; I expect I'll buy the
current generation more cheaply when NetMD comes out, and that'll have to
suffice until I switch over to MP3 CDR/hard drive units.  Alas, I've enjoyed
MD's utility and fidelity, but if there's to be no hope of faster
upload/download than SPDIF I've got to move on.

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