In all fairness, a lot of the stability problems aren't caused by Windows itself, 
there are a lot of really crappy drivers out there, mostly related to video cards it 
seems. No matter what OS you are running, if you install buggy programs on it, 
especially programs that are working with low level things you are going to run into 
problems. The reason that you run into all those problems with brand new cool hardware 
is because its in many cases very inadequately tested. There is a reason its known as 
the bleeding edge.

Saying that knowing your OS doesn't help any is silly. I primarily work on Windows 
machines, and although I do work with Linux/Unix boxes (and less often Macs) I am 
almost totally out of my depth when asked to troubleshoot problems with them. Its like 
saying that knowing about your car (or your minidisc player) doesn't help with keeping 
it running better. 

As for viruses, yes MS does get hit the hardest.Some of that is poor planning and some 
of it is just due to the pure volume of people looking for things to exploit. A lot of 
it could be stopped if people just payed a little attention to keeping things updated 
and not trusting everyone. (hey, here is another place where knowing your os helps, 
knowing windows makes you realize that SendThisToAllYourFriends.txt.vbs probably isn't 
a text file.....)


(who is not saying that Windows is the greatest thing, its just the best current 
option, ever notice how windows users laugh when Mac/Linux users get 'some' of the 
software that we do months and months later?)

>Just to make this on topic, the sony net-md looks like it will be able to
>8x in sp, 16x in lp2 and 32x in lp4. Sorry, maybe my previous post came out
>a bit harsh. But I have to say that sure, windows is stable if you are
>running standard run of the mill hardware. Now throw in a great graphics
>card, cool sound card, fast motherboards, run some software other than
>outlook and IE and then cheers windows. That machine won't last long. In
>it's defence I have to say that Win 2000 is better. Knowing a OS doesn't
>help. We are a large to medium software company, and we are rapidly moving
>over to other non windows based solutions. Ever noticed how Mac, Linux and
>Solaris people sit back and laugh every time a new virus or worm comes out?
>Anyway, this is no place to discuss the OS scene....

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