Kipcool has submitted this change and it was merged.

Change subject: Duplicate Expression

Duplicate Expression

P2 minor adjustment to call the remove duplicate syntrans function
Additional function to correct created duplicate syntrans with checks on
attributes connected to the syntrans.

Change-Id: I1e8c54b51883fa3afd2883eea743220c2e907826
M Console/removeDuplicateExpression.php
1 file changed, 430 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

  Kipcool: Verified; Looks good to me, approved

diff --git a/Console/removeDuplicateExpression.php 
index ea27b8d..00de5f2 100644
--- a/Console/removeDuplicateExpression.php
+++ b/Console/removeDuplicateExpression.php
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
                $this->output( "Starting remove duplicate expressions 
function...\n" );
                // check if there are duplicates greater than two
                $this->output( "Finding duplicates\n" );
-               $duplicates = $this->getDuplicates();
+               $duplicates = $this->getDuplicateExpressions();
                $haveDuplicates = 0;
                $syntransHaveDuplicates = 0;
@@ -67,20 +67,114 @@
+               $this->duplicateFound = 0;
                if ( $sid ) {
                        $totalSids = count( $sid );
                        $this->output( "There are a total of {$totalSids} 
+                       $this->removeDuplicateSyntrans();
+                       $this->duplicateFound = 1;
                if ( !$haveDuplicates ) {
                        $this->output( "Congratulations! No duplicates found\n" 
+                       if ( $this->duplicateFound ) {
+                               $this->removeDuplicateSyntrans();
+                       }
                        return true;
                if ( !$syntransHaveDuplicates ) {
                        $this->output( "Congratulations! No syntrans have the 
duplicate expressions\n" );
+                       if ( $this->duplicateFound ) {
+                               $this->removeDuplicateSyntrans();
+                       }
+       }
+       function removeDuplicateSyntrans( $dc = null ) {
+               $this->output( "\nStarting remove duplicate syntrans 
function...\n" );
+               // check if there are duplicates greater than two
+               $this->output( "Finding duplicates\n" );
+               $duplicates = $this->getDuplicateSyntrans();
+               $haveDuplicates = 0;
+               $syntransHaveDuplicates = 0;
+               $sid = array();
+               if ( $duplicates ) {
+                       $haveDuplicates = 1;
+                       foreach ( $duplicates as $rows ) {
+                               $syntrans = 
$this->getDuplicateSyntransSyntransToUpdate( $rows['expression_id'], 
$rows['defined_meaning_id'] );
+                               if ( $syntrans ) {
+                                       $syntransHaveDuplicates = 1;
+                                       $this->output( "processing: original is 
{$syntrans[0]}; duplicate is {$syntrans[1]}\n");
+                                       $sid[] = $syntrans[0];
+                                               // correct the duplication
$this->correctSyntransDuplication( $syntrans );
+                                       if ( !$this->test ) {
+                                               if ( is_null( $dc ) ) {
+                                                       $dc = 
+                                               }
+                                               $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+                                               $queryResult = $dbr->delete(
+                                                       "{$dc}_syntrans",
+                                                       array(
'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                                                               'syntrans_sid' 
=> $syntrans[1]
+                                                       ),
+                                                       __METHOD__
+                                               );
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if ( $duplicates ) {
+                               $totalSids = count( $duplicates );
+                               $this->output( "There are a total of 
{$totalSids} corrected\n");
+                       }
+                       if ( $this->textAttribute ) {
+                               $totalSids = count( $this->textAttribute );
+                               $this->output( "There are a total of 
{$totalSids} text attributes corrected\n");
+                       }
+                       if ( $this->optionAttribute ) {
+                               $totalSids = count( $this->optionAttribute );
+                               $this->output( "There are a total of 
{$totalSids} option attributes corrected\n");
+                       }
+                       if ( $this->urlAttribute ) {
+                               $totalSids = count( $this->urlAttribute );
+                               $this->output( "There are a total of 
{$totalSids} url attributes corrected\n");
+                       }
+                       if ( $this->tcAttribute ) {
+                               $totalSids = count( $this->urlAttribute );
+                               $this->output( "There are a total of 
{$totalSids} translation attributes corrected\n");
+                       }
+                       if ( $this->relations1Attribute ) {
+                               $totalSids = count( $this->relations1Attribute 
+                               $this->output( "There are a total of 
{$totalSids} relations 1 attributes corrected\n");
+                       }
+                       if ( $this->relations2Attribute ) {
+                               $totalSids = count( $this->relations2Attribute 
+                               $this->output( "There are a total of 
{$totalSids} relations 2 attributes corrected\n");
+                       }
+                       if ( !$duplicates ) {
+                               $this->output( "Congratulations! No duplicates 
found\n" );
+                               return true;
+                       }
+               }
        protected function deleteDuplicate( $expressionId, $languageId, $dc = 
null ) {
@@ -123,6 +217,257 @@
+       protected function correctSyntransDuplication( $syntrans, $dc = null ) {
+               // find attributes with $syntrans[1] and replace them with 
+               if ( is_null( $dc ) ) {
+                       $dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
+               }
+               $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+               $cond = null;
+               // options syntrans
+               $this->output( " checking options attributes ...\n");
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_option_attribute_values",
+                       array(
+                               'object_id',
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $this->optionAttribute = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $oav ) {
+                       $this->optionAttribute[] = $oav->object_id;
+                       echo "  oId:{$oav->object_id}\n";
+               }
+               if ( $this->optionAttribute ) {
+                       $this->output( " update {$dc}_option_attribute_values 
object from {$syntrans[0]} to {$syntrans[1]}\n");
+                       if ( !$this->test ) {
+                               // remove the duplication by update
+                               $queryResult = $dbr->update(
+                                       "{$dc}_option_attribute_values",
+                                       array(
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[0],
+                                       ),
+                                       array(
+                                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                                       ),
+                                       __METHOD__,
+                                       $cond
+                               );
+                       }
+               }
+               // text syntrans
+               $this->output( " checking text attributes ...\n");
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_text_attribute_values",
+                       array(
+                               'object_id',
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $this->textAttribute = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $tav ) {
+                       $this->textAttribute[] = $tav->object_id;
+                       echo "  oId:{$tav->object_id}\n";
+               }
+               if ( $this->textAttribute ) {
+                       $this->output( " update {$dc}_text_attribute_values 
object from {$syntrans[0]} to {$syntrans[1]}\n");
+                       if ( !$this->test ) {
+                               // remove the duplication by update
+                               $queryResult = $dbr->update(
+                                       "{$dc}_text_attribute_values",
+                                       array(
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[0],
+                                       ),
+                                       array(
+                                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                                       ),
+                                       __METHOD__,
+                                       $cond
+                               );
+                       }
+               }
+               // url syntrans
+               $this->output( " checking url attributes ...\n");
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_url_attribute_values",
+                       array(
+                               'object_id',
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $this->urlAttribute = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $uav ) {
+                       $this->urlAttribute[] = $uav->object_id;
+                       echo "  oId:{$uav->object_id}\n";
+               }
+               if ( $this->urlAttribute ) {
+                       $this->output( " update {$dc}_url_attribute_values 
object from {$syntrans[0]} to {$syntrans[1]}\n");
+                       if ( !$this->test ) {
+                               // remove the duplication by update
+                               $queryResult = $dbr->update(
+                                       "{$dc}_url_attribute_values",
+                                       array(
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[0],
+                                       ),
+                                       array(
+                                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                                       ),
+                                       __METHOD__,
+                                       $cond
+                               );
+                       }
+               }
+               // translated content syntrans
+               $this->output( " checking translation attributes ...\n");
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_translated_content_attribute_values",
+                       array(
+                               'object_id',
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $this->tcAttribute = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $tc ) {
+                       $this->tcAttribute[] = $tc->object_id;
+                       echo "  oId:{$tc->object_id}\n";
+               }
+               if ( $this->tcAttribute ) {
+                       $this->output( " update 
{$dc}_translated_content_attribute_values object from {$syntrans[0]} to 
+                       if ( !$this->test ) {
+                               // remove the duplication by update
+                               $queryResult = $dbr->update(
+                                       array(
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[0],
+                                       ),
+                                       array(
+                                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                                               'object_id' => $syntrans[1]
+                                       ),
+                                       __METHOD__,
+                                       $cond
+                               );
+                       }
+               }
+               // relations 1 syntrans
+               $this->output( " checking relations 1 attributes ...\n");
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_meaning_relations",
+                       array(
+                               'meaning1_mid',
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                               'meaning1_mid' => $syntrans[1]
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $this->relations1Attribute = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $mra ) {
+                       $this->relations1Attribute[] = $mra->object_id;
+                       echo "  oId:{$mra->object_id}\n";
+               }
+               if ( $this->relations1Attribute ) {
+                       $this->output( " update {$dc}_meaning_relations object 
from {$syntrans[0]} to {$syntrans[1]}\n");
+                       if ( !$this->test ) {
+                               // remove the duplication by update
+                               $queryResult = $dbr->update(
+                                       "{$dc}_meaning_relations",
+                                       array(
+                                               'meaning1_mid' => $syntrans[0],
+                                       ),
+                                       array(
+                                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                                               'meaning1_mid' => $syntrans[1]
+                                       ),
+                                       __METHOD__,
+                                       $cond
+                               );
+                       }
+               }
+               // relations 2 syntrans
+               $this->output( " checking relations 2 attributes ...\n");
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_meaning_relations",
+                       array(
+                               'meaning2_mid',
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                               'meaning2_mid' => $syntrans[1]
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $this->relations2Attribute = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $mrb ) {
+                       $this->relations2Attribute[] = $mrb->object_id;
+                       echo "  oId:{$mrb->object_id}\n";
+               }
+               if ( $this->relations2Attribute ) {
+                       $this->output( " update {$dc}_meaning_relations object 
from {$syntrans[0]} to {$syntrans[1]}\n");
+                       if ( !$this->test ) {
+                               // remove the duplication by update
+                               $queryResult = $dbr->update(
+                                       "{$dc}_meaning_relations",
+                                       array(
+                                               'meaning2_mid' => $syntrans[0],
+                                       ),
+                                       array(
+                                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                                               'meaning2_mid' => $syntrans[1]
+                                       ),
+                                       __METHOD__,
+                                       $cond
+                               );
+                       }
+               }
+       }
        protected function correctDuplication( $syntransSid, $expressionId, $dc 
= null ) {
                if ( is_null( $dc ) ) {
                        $dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
@@ -145,6 +490,39 @@
+       }
+       protected function getDuplicateSyntransSyntransToUpdate( $expressionId, 
$definedMeaningId, $dc = null ) {
+               if ( is_null( $dc ) ) {
+                       $dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
+               }
+               $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+               $cond = null;
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_syntrans",
+                       array(
+                               'syntrans_sid',
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null,
+                               'defined_meaning_id' => $definedMeaningId,
+                               'expression_id' => $expressionId
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $sid = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $sids ) {
+                       $sid[] = $sids->syntrans_sid;
+               }
+               if ( $sid ) {
+                       return $sid;
+               }
+               return array();
        protected function getSyntransToUpdate( $expressionIds, $dc = null ) {
@@ -212,7 +590,57 @@
-       protected function getDuplicates( $dc = null ) {
+SELECT defined_meaning_id, expression_id, count(*) as count
+FROM `uw_syntrans` 
+WHERE remove_transaction_id is null
+group by defined_meaning_id, expression_id
+order by count(*) desc
+       protected function getDuplicateSyntrans( $dc = null ) {
+               if ( is_null( $dc ) ) {
+                       $dc = wdGetDataSetContext();
+               }
+               $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+               $cond['ORDER BY'] = 'count(*) DESC';
+               $cond['GROUP BY'] = array(
+                       'defined_meaning_id',
+                       'expression_id'
+               );
+               $queryResult = $dbr->select(
+                       "{$dc}_syntrans",
+                       array(
+                               'defined_meaning_id',
+                               'expression_id',
+                               'number' => 'count(*)'
+                       ),
+                       array(
+                               'remove_transaction_id' => null
+                       ),
+                       __METHOD__,
+                       $cond
+               );
+               $duplicates = array();
+               foreach ( $queryResult as $dup ) {
+                       if ( $dup->number > 1 ) {
+                               $duplicates[] = array(
+                                       'defined_meaning_id' => 
+                                       'expression_id' => $dup->expression_id
+                               );
+                       }
+               }
+               if ( $duplicates ) {
+                       return $duplicates;
+               }
+               return array();
+       }
+       protected function getDuplicateExpressions( $dc = null ) {
                if ( is_null( $dc ) ) {
                        $dc = wdGetDataSetContext();

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Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I1e8c54b51883fa3afd2883eea743220c2e907826
Gerrit-PatchSet: 2
Gerrit-Project: mediawiki/extensions/WikiLexicalData
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-Owner: Hiong3-eng5 <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kipcool <>

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