On 5/7/2011 5:03 AM, Jeremiah Foster wrote:

I'd like to discuss a specific area of compliance for IVI systems.
Before I get to the subject matter, I'd like to know if I'm following
the correct process so I can address the right people. My first stop
was the MeeGo wiki where I searched for Compliance and arrived here:

Is this the current canonical source for compliance in MeeGo?

In that document it states "Currently MeeGo supports five different
verticals: Netbooks, Handsets, Connected-TVs, In-Vehicle Infotainment
systems and tablets. Each of these verticals will have a Compliance
Profile." I take that to mean that the In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI)
will have a separate compliance specification.

Does that mean the IVI compliance specification is independent of the
overall MeeGo compliance specification?


IVI is allowed to add required components for an "IVI profile", say core automotive libraries, but
it cannot subtract.

Eg an "MeeGo IVI" compliant OS is also "MeeGo compliant".

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