#meego-meeting: Dialer Project meeting

Meeting started by sabotage at 14:56:43 UTC.

Meeting summary available at:

The full logs are available at:

Meeting summary
* General information/business - Action Items status  (sabotage,
  * AGREED: everyone needs to update the TODO file as they make changes
    (sabotage, 14:59:46)
  * ACTION: alterego to try to see if we can pull it inline into wiki
    via git url  (sabotage, 15:01:40)
  * ACTION: alterego and sabotage to do a feature/capability comparison
    between existing MTF and emerging QML dialers  (sabotage, 15:03:51)
  * ACTION: sabotage add "Clean up and re-work current debug output
    model in dialer" to the TODO list  (sabotage, 15:05:07)
  * ACTION: alterego to add "test" dir to dialer that will hold CLI
    tools for setting various settings in the abscence of settings UI
    (sabotage, 15:06:56)

* New Introductions?  (sabotage, 15:07:50)

* libofono-qt migration  (sabotage, 15:12:08)

* Bluetooth library migration  (sabotage, 15:16:09)
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=18303   (sabotage,

* HFP merge  (sabotage, 15:21:09)

* Bluetooth library migration  (sabotage, 15:30:47)
  * AGREED: Dialer should migrate to use the QtConnectivity Bluetooth
    APIs  (sabotage, 15:39:57)

* Bug, patch and merge-request status  (sabotage, 15:45:37)
  * LINK: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=18644   (sabotage,
  * LINK: http://wiki.meego.com/QtInternationalization   (sabotage,

* Any Other Business  (sabotage, 15:54:50)

Meeting ended at 16:00:19 UTC.

Action Items
* alterego to try to see if we can pull it inline into wiki via git url
* alterego and sabotage to do a feature/capability comparison between
  existing MTF and emerging QML dialers
* sabotage add "Clean up and re-work current debug output model in
  dialer" to the TODO list
* alterego to add "test" dir to dialer that will hold CLI tools for
  setting various settings in the abscence of settings UI

Action Items, by person
* alterego
  * alterego to try to see if we can pull it inline into wiki via git
  * alterego and sabotage to do a feature/capability comparison between
    existing MTF and emerging QML dialers
  * alterego to add "test" dir to dialer that will hold CLI tools for
    setting various settings in the abscence of settings UI
* sabotage
  * alterego and sabotage to do a feature/capability comparison between
    existing MTF and emerging QML dialers
  * sabotage add "Clean up and re-work current debug output model in
    dialer" to the TODO list
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* sabotage (190)
* alterego (78)
* tripzero (35)
* MeeGoMeetBot (2)
* w00t (2)
* msugano_ (1)
* lcuk (1)
* rolandl (1)

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