On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 19:50:46 -0700 (PDT) B Dike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All,
> My 77 240D battery is draining every couple days.  It
> occurs with a couple different good batteries, so it's
> either the charging system or a current drain.  Is
> there a simple way to check the alternater and voltage
> regulator?  I only have a small multimeter.

The repeated draining is hard on your battery -- they can take only 10 or
12 cycles of complete discharge before they give up.

Start the engine and measure the battery voltage. With everything off, the
voltage should be 13.8 to 14.4 V. If it's not, you've either got a large
drain, a bad alternator/regulator, or a bad battery.

If the voltage is correct, turn everything in the car off and then connect
a light bulb in series with the ground lead to the battery. If the light
bulb glows, you have a drain. Pull fuses until the bulb goes out, then
investigate the circuits for the last fuse you pulled.


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