The old service was 200A cable from the pole to the main breaker. It's underground maybe 150ft run or so.  I had actually dug maybe 60ft of the trench by hand down to the old cable, and another trench to the new meter box, they did the rest from the end of what I dug to the pole with a trencher.  It was about 4ft deep.  All sand here so easy digging.

The electric co guys put in a new distribution box at the base of the pole they ran cable to from the transformer, then ran the cable from that to the house meter box but left it unattached at that distribution box until I got inspection sign-off then they just came and attached it and popped in the meter, took about 15min, and all was good.


On 4/4/23 2:39 PM, Curt Raymond wrote:
Hmm, I didn't even realize 300a service was a thing. Makes sense though, what 
with all the electric doo-dads and gee gaws folks are using these days.


  On Tuesday, April 4, 2023 at 02:36:29 PM EDT, Floyd Thursby via 
Mercedes<>  wrote:

When I built my addition I had the electric company run new cable from
the pole to the house and boost it up to 300A, which apparently is
standard for new services.  I am feeding 2-200A panels off the meter
box, one in the addition and one in the old part of the house.  The old
panel was also 200A but when I went to hook it up I realized that
whenever it was put in (late 70s I think) they did not run a separate
ground (or neutral, I forget which), it was only 2 hots and a
neutral/ground which is no longer code.  I had been feeding this old
cable off my temp pole panel and that was OK for then since it was not
yet "new."

I had to go buy a new panel and run cable (2 hots + N and G, that stuff
is HEAVY!!!) from the new outside 200A shut-off for this panel.  I still
had my kitchen and fridge and lights and everything hooked to this panel
as I had not run any circuits yet to the new panel in the addition.  I
called up Inspection Services and explained all this and they said to
let them know when I needed an inspection and they would get someone
over right quick to approve it so the electric co could do their thing.

I started real early and pulled the old panel, put in a new 200A panel
with all new breakers, hooked the feed to it, and wired in all my "old"
circuits.  Took a few hours to do but then I called for the inspector,
she was working down the road and showed up in about 30min, said it
looked really good, and signed off.  I then had to call the electric co
to come hot up the new service, they showed up right quick and I had
electrons flowing through all new stuff!

So now I have some extra spaces in the "old" box should I need to run
anything else in the house.  I pulled out the old oven circuit and a
couple of general purpose circuits that the old kitchen used so that
freed up 4 slots too.  I probably should have run some cable into the
panel to feed the garage with a new 60A (or something) circuit but since
I was under time crunch I didn't do that.  Easy enough to do later I
guess but I would have to fish the cable up into the panel.

I did all my wiring, the inspectors said I did an excellent job (and
better than some of the crap they see in the new developments), the only
issue was one guy said I needed some new type of enclosure box for my
outdoor outlets on the addition which was easy enough to do.  One of the
outside main breaker boxes has spaces for circuit breakers so I put in I
think a 60A and some cable to a box to feed another subpanel if I need
it under the addition for whatever stuff I might want.


On 4/4/23 2:05 PM, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
I suspect


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