rumor has it that Steve wrote:
> 2. Do I have ANY hope of successfully using the original 240d tranny
> with the OM617, or am I just going to grenade it? It's absolutely
> perfect in every way, right now. Right now no one has any decent used
> transmissions around here, and I don't imagine our listmom is drooling
> to ship any of his up here to Kanuckistan :-0....

Well, in high-horsepower big trucks (700+ HP and 2500+ lb-ft) the
reliable word is "use the big horsepower only in the high gears"

In otherwords, even thought the transmission is not rated for that much
power, the danger is only when that torque is multiplied by the
transmission gear ratio.

So, I suspect the same is true for us. Thus if you plan on
foot-to-the-floor, 5000 RPM, max torque in 1st gear - you could have a
problem! But if you go easy in 1st and don't wail on it until 3rd, my
_guess_ is the transmission will be fine.

If not, I did suggest a thing!! *grin*

--     Philip, still without a turbo car with a manual transmission

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