At 9:54 am -0700 7/8/03, Mark Talluto wrote:
On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 09:36 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

I just did a test with MC 2.5:

 I made a stack with one field, and put "This is field data" into it.
 Then I added a custom prop and put "This is prop data" into it.
 Then I put "--this is script data" into the stack script.

 I saved it, then did a Save As, set the password, and saved this copy again.
 I quit MC and opened both stack files in TexEdit (any app that lets you open
 binries will do).

 In the non-password-protected stack, all three text strings are readable.
 In the password-protected stack none of them are.

 It seems a change was introduced in the engine at some point that now
 provides complete protection for all three types of data storage.

I just did another test in MC 2.5:

While it is true that the data is safe in a text editor, it is not
safe when you do the following:

Try opening that stack you created in MC.  You can not get to the
script data, but you can surely open up the custom property and read
what you put in there.

This is true, but you can use a sneaky getprop handler to prevent access to a custom property unless you supply a secret key.

To do this, you would set the properties you want to keep secure in a custom property set.


set the cSecuredata["PIN"] of stack "secureStack" to "1234"

Then you would use a getprop handler like this:

getprop cSecuredata[tKey]
  if item 1 of tKey is "yohoho" then ## "yohoho" is the secret key
   return the cSecuredata[item 2 of tKey] of me
   return empty
  end if
end cSecuredata

So to get the "PIN" property, you would have to do this:

get the cSecuredata["yohoho,PIN"] of stack "securestack"

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