Hi Graham and all,

Here is a listing of possible parent bodies to our meteorites. If anyone has a more complete listing and would care to share it with me on or off list I would appreciate it. I am sure there a quite a number of suspect parent bodies but not enough data to support a pairing. Best!

Comets have also been suggested to be sources for some meteorites but a few problems exist to determine this. First very little is know about comets (though we are just now finding out more) Two no photographs from a network of cameras of material has been taken to show a relationship of material to comets. The streaks of light during a meteor shower represent only minor particles the size of dust or perhaps a bit larger. So currently the jury is still out on pinning meteorite falls to known comets or cometary debris.

A Listing of Known and Possible Parent Bodies of Meteorites

H class of meteorites:     Asteroid Hebe

L Classes

L4: Asteroid Eros
L6: Asteroid Bozemcova 3628

LL Class: Asteroid SF36 (1998)

Carbonaceous Group

CM2: Asteroid Ceres, Asteroid: Fortuna19
CR2: Asteroid Pallas 2
CO3: Asteroids Eos Family
C2 Tagish Lake may be linked to D Asteroid 368 Haidea

Achondrite Classes

Aubrites: Asteroid Nysa 44, Asteroid Eger 3103

Brachinites: Asteroid Benetta 289

Eucrites:                  Asteroid Vesta (4)
Olivine Diogenites:

Stony Iron Classes

Pallasites: A Type Asteroids, Asteroid Asporina (46), Asteroid Eleonora (354)
(there are three or four known parent bodies for pallasites)

Iron Classes

M-Type Asteroids: Asteroid Psyche, Asteroid 1986 DA

Mars Meteorites (SNC 's) From The Planet Mars

Allan Hills:

Lunar Meteorites (LUN)

LUN A:   Anorthositic Highland Rocks (four combinations of this group)
LUN B:   Mare Basalts
LUN G:    Mare Gabbros
LUN N:   Lunar Norites

This list is derived from Harry McSween's book Meteorite and their Parent Planets and from other sources on the internet that have posted pairings.

--AL Mitterling

ensoramanda wrote:

Hi Al, All,

Nice shots for first attempt....I hav'nt had a go for ages...you've inspired me to give it a try whilst there is something special about.

You also made me wonder about parent bodies when considering if there might be bits of Holmes about. I am not sure if this has been discussed on the list before much...but wondered if there was any more recent research that indicated more about where all our collections have come from?

I have read about various possibilities, matching various classifications of meteorite with various asteroids and suggestions that certain ones might be cometary material...but is there an up to date simple summary or list that matches them up as far as current thinking can?

Anyone know?


Graham Ensor
Meteorite-list mailing list

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