Hello Fred

On 06-Sep-99, Fred Wright wrote:

> On 5 Sep 1999, Georges Heinesch wrote:

>> Since the new Windows98 supports NAT (masquerading, whatever), is it
>> now possible to browse on the Amiga via the PC (connected to Internet)
>> using MimaiDx?

> If it really supports that, then yes.  It must be a new Win98, though, as
> the one I've used doesn't even support gatewaying, let alone IP-NAT.

Last two service packs for Win98 provide IP-NAT masquerading.  However, it
appears to be *broken*.  Friend has several Win98 and Linux machines in
network (8 of each actually).  IP-NAT on W98 continues to refuse to support 
all at once. :)

Can we say Microsoft.  :)  BTW: If anyone knows why, eMail me.


          > A4000 Cyberstorm MkII 060/50Mhz             <
          > 112Mb 5.5Gb Cybervision 64, QuickNET 2000   <
Anyone can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.
-- Cicero



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