On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Francis Labrie wrote:

> My ADSL provider (Bell Canada) is now providing IP addresses trough a
> DHCP, but I've received a notice saying that Bell will switch the
> current access mode in October.  I'll need to use a special proprietary
> software called "Access Manager" to login (user Id. and PassWd) each
> day (24h) and available only for Windows, Macintosh and Linux
> plateforms. :(
> But I've seen in the Linux package files named "pppoe", "start-pppoe"
> and "stop-pppoe".  It's why I believe this "Access Manager" is just a
> kind of PPPoE frontend.  Is it possible?
> So I've two other questions for you Holger:
>     1. What is PPPoE?

PPP Over Ethernet (RFC2516).  It's a means of combining some useful
aspects of PPP with the Ethernet physical medium.  One of the benfits is
that if the modem software doesn't have its head completely in a dark
place, it will be able to stop bridging IP and ARP in that scheme,
providing better security as an added benefit even while using the same
Ethernet as a LAN.

>     2. Will MiamiDx get PPPoE support in a way I can keep my ISP, 
>        or should I resign immediatly my contract and find another 
>        provider?

Holger has said that he's considering implementing it, but hasn't yet made
any promises.

                                        Fred Wright


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