** Forwarded mail:
** Originally by Stephen Illingworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I have a DECStation5000 sitting next to my Amiga.  Unfortunately, it works!
The  problem  I  have  is getting Linux onto it (Ultrix just doesn't cut it
IMO.)  The  way  to  do  it  is to set a second computer up as a bootp/tftp
server  and  kick  the DECStation over the network.  In my case, the second
computer means an Amiga.

As  you can imagine information regarding DECStations booting via Amigas is
scarce,  so  I  come  to  the  MiamiDX  list  to  listen  to  the voices of
experience.   Has  anyone  tried anything like this before?  Is it possible
even?   Aside from compiling the source for bootp & tftp servers, are there
any other issues I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance, Steve.

Holger Kruse   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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