This might be an itshelp question, but I wanted to see if anyone on the
list might have some theories.

I have a user (using a Macbook - older while plastic model) who is
constantly being asked to enter her AirBears2 credentials (both at shut
down, restart, and even disconnecting from it from the wifi and
reconnecting to it). This a recent issue in that she was able to do this
until she logged onto a Starbucks wifi. I don't think there's a
correlation, but let me know if I'm missing something.

I've checked in Network and deleted as many of the listed joined networks
she had (she didn't want to delete some like home and known wifi like other
libraries -- we deleted hotels, airports, and other misc guest logins --
there was no starbucks listed there though).

I looked into her Keychain Access and didn't see anything obvious, but if
you can point me to what to look for maybe I missed something there. Is
there a plist I should be seeing other than the system preferences one?

The AirBears2 access point near my office is working as we were able to log
in using our iPhones.

She is having the same problem with connecting to eduroam as well.

She can connect to other wifi accesses without a problem so I don't think
it's a physical/antenna issue.

I've tried all I had in my cache, so if anyone has other suggestions, they
are appreciated.


Beth Muramoto
Computer Resource Specialist
Graduate School of Education
University of California, Berkeley
1650 Tolman Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone:  (510) 643-0203
Fax:  (510) 643-6239

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some
blunders and absurdities have crept in – forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a
spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”

This is the essence of forgiveness. You can't change what happened but you
can make sure it doesn't have the power to prevent you from being happy

                             -Paul Boese

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                            -Blaise Pascal

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