Actually to fix the problem temp. I just hard coded the url in and that works
fine.  I basically took the code for news from the midgard example site.  Go
add an article to the sample page and put a url in it and see how it works for

--- David Guerizec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Derek Beattie wrote:
> > It works in the sense that it displays the correct url but when I pass the
> > mouse over the link, the url that shows up in the browsers status bar
> doesn't
> > work becuase it has the in front of the url.  So lets
> say the
> > url I put in the content is and I use the code we are
> > talking about.
> > > <? if ($article->url) { ?>
> > > <p>Check out:<br><a href="&(article.url);">&(article.url);</a></p>
> > > <? } ?>
> > > <p align="right">
> > > <a href="/news/" class="navi">More news</a></p>
> > >
> >  When I click on the link it tries to send me to
> > - Maybe I need to use substr
> or
> > something.
> >
> Did you try to put a litteral url instead of &(article.url); and see what
> you get ?
> What do you get in the page source ?
> Maybe it is not a Midgard bug, but a browser bug...
> Regards,
> --
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