A foolproof way to check your midgard version is to check the apache 
error log after your restart, you should see something like:

[Thu Feb  3 18:23:39 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 (Unix)  (NetRevolution
Advanced Server/Linux-Mandrake) PHP/3.0.13+Midgard/1.2.6 Midgard/1.2.6
configured -- resuming normal operations

Hope this helps,

Emiliano wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, David Guerizec wrote:
> > That newby mistake learned me something:
> > how to use the mgd_auth_midgard to 'suid' to admin without sending cookie,
> > so the user can't authenticate himself to admin.
> I'm working on a change to do just this as we speak.
> Emile
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