On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Ken Pooley wrote:

> Why can't I edit the "type" field of an article after I have created it?

You can, but just recently. Functions have been added
(mgd_update_article_type ao) to do this.

> Is there a away to give the user's some control over the creation date in a 
> story? Is it an auto date stamp upon creation? I have writers who want to 
> be able to write a story today but have it dated last Friday....I thought 
> about having them set the calendar date and then evaluating for that but I 
> am afraid of messing up other calendar functions. Does anyone else run into 
> this?

The calendar date would be good for this. The calendar date has no
special meaning in the admin site other than the one you wish to assign it.
The creation date is set automatically and not user-changeable.

> Am I right in assuming that $article = mgd_list_topic_articles will not get 
> me content for the articles? Is there away around that? I want to list all 
> of the articles in a section with the title and the content? In another 
> place I found that I could get the abstract so I put the content into the 
> abstract but in this case the content is rather long and it seemed like it 
> might be a problem to make the abstracts that long....or should I just not 
> worry....

This is indeed the case and has been fixed in 1.2.6. I'll add the
fix to 1.2.5 too.


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