On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 11:40:16PM +0200, Vanja Bertalan wrote:
> > On Mon, 29 May 2000, [ IGP Internet ] wrote:
> > (...)
> > > And another strange thing I don't understand, really. Uploading files.
> > > Copied David's code 'as is', and it worked fine. Then it stopped
> working.
> > > Basta. Now, whenever I try to upload something, it bangs a warning:
> > > 'Warning: Only 8192 bytes were written, expected to write <here goes the
> > > real file size> in /etc/httpd/conf/midgard-root.php3 on line 18
> (sometimes
> > > it's line 0)'
> > > Could it be it's a browser's bug (IE5) or what? I'm using a little
> > > redirection on site, but that's way before file upload, and it was there
> > > before, while upload worked. Confusion is nice word for this :)
> >
> > Is there enough space in the temporary upload directory? If it wasn't
> > specified in php3.ini, man tempnam will tell you where.
> temp dir is /tmp, and $userfile var of the uploaded file says temp location
> of the file is /tmp/phpsomething, $userfile_name, size and mime type are
> reported correctly too.
> that would be ok, but nothing is actually written to /tmp, 30megs df
> who could be responsible for such a behaviour?
> and to make it worse, file upload is started to work ok, this minute. still
> nothing in /tmp, but blobdir is filled ok , just don't know how long will it
> last...and what caused the change...
> btw nobody.nobody is allowed r&w in /tmp...
> (...)

I've made a small patch to the admin interface of Midgard (1.2.5) to accept
File Uploads in a hardcoded directory, choosing the subdirectory (first-level-deep
only), using the PHP support for file upload. Simple but effective (for my case, 

YAP (yet another patch) that I've made is for the layout of admin site, 
quasi-text-only and moving the "menu" from the left with vertical arrangement
to the top with horizontal arrangement, to leave more space for content.
IMHO more effective than the original (and beatifull) interface. 

If anyone is interested, I make a patch/dump/whatever. 


Sergio D. Bruder


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