From: "Emiliano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [midgard] blobs + mgd_auth_midgard

> On Mon, 29 May 2000, Vanja Bertalan wrote:
> > temp dir is /tmp, and $userfile var of the uploaded file says temp
> > of the file is /tmp/phpsomething, $userfile_name, size and mime type are
> > reported correctly too.
> > that would be ok, but nothing is actually written to /tmp, 30megs df
> > who could be responsible for such a behaviour?
> The only thing I can think of offhand are upload filesize limitations and
> script execution time limitations. Either would cause the upload to break
> of somewhere I believe.
> > and to make it worse, file upload is started to work ok, this minute.
> > nothing in /tmp, but blobdir is filled ok , just don't know how long
will it
> > last...and what caused the change...
> > btw nobody.nobody is allowed r&w in /tmp...
> If it is any of the above this looks most like the time limit exceeding.
> IIRC the time limit for a page execution is 30 seconds.

I guess it's not the file size limit, since it worked before and it works
now (tried with 1MB file)
Script execution, don't know about this. All pages parse instantly, there's
not a one sec delay, I'm doing this on a 100Mbit LAN.

> > I'll try to explain...
> > before calling mgd_auth_midgard($u,$p,0), value of $midgard->user is 0,
> > which is correct, since no auth is required by default.
> > after calling mgd_auth_midgard($u,$p,0), value of $midgard->user is
still 0,
> > which isn't what we'd expect ($u and $p are ok)
> You're right, the user ID should have been changed at this point.
> > then i tried sending location header, same location, hoping that would
> > reload the page after that, $midgard->user gets correct value. think
> > of it now, that might be connected to mgd_auth sending cookie, since
> > cookie values are not seen until next visit to the page, what do you
> > think?
> I think I'll try to replicate this behaviour tonight on my home system.
> Other than the well-know Phase Of The Moon problem I can find no sane
> explanation for this happening.

I can send you the code I use, if that could help.

> Emile

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