Hello midgard!

I started to experiment with OOP style functions, and according to manual
besides three main member functions (create, update and delete) there
should be defined $article->setScore() and $article->setType()... 
But using setscore and setttype functions results in "call to unsupported
or undefined function" error. 
Is it me, or it actually isn't implemented yet?
I am using latest midgard from cvs...

Here is test code which produced the error:

$a = mgd_get_article();
$a->name = "test.igp";
$a->topic = $root_topic;
$a->title = "Test IGP";
$a->abstract = "Test...";
$a->content = "Test articl";
$a->author = $midgard->user;
$id = $a->create();
print "ID: $id";

which prints ID of new created article and returns fatal error complainig
about unsupported or undefined function.


Boris Brzac
[ IGP Internet ]

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