On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 11:42:59AM -0400, Baker, Darryl wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I have spamassassin, clamav, pyzor, and razor loaded. How do I check
> that the mail is being scanned by all of these? Any way of having
> MIMEDefang report what it does?

You can hack your mimedefang.pl to add "debug => 1" options to the
Mail::SpamAssassin->new() call, so it looks like this:

        $SASpamTester = Mail::SpamAssassin->new({
            local_tests_only   => $SALocalTestsOnly,
            dont_copy_prefs    => 1,
            userprefs_filename => $config,
            debug              => 1});

(David, I feel a patch for mimedefang.pl.in coming up. What about an
extra optional parameter to spam_assassin_init, to add M::SA->new params?)

#!perl -wpl # mmfppfmpmmpp mmpffm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$_[2]}->(map{/p|f/i+/f/i}split//,$&)+97):qw(m p f)[map{((ord$&)%32-1)/$_%3}(9,
3,1)]),5,1)='`'lt$&;$f.eig;                                # Jan-Pieter Cornet
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