Hello Dave, hello all,

Thank you Dave for you feedback! I do not have time to deeply check each 
class/method so the information you give me are really precious.

As you write, there are in pythonocc a few classes missing from the original 
OCC 630 library. Here are the 5 reasons I see:
- I had to remove hxx headers that cause a gccxml fail while generating SWIG 
- I had to remove some methods that cause a linkage issue on my laptop (in a 
first and dirty step, I removed the entire class),
- classes/methods wrapped are the one defined as "exportable" by pypluspls, 
other ones are tagged "not exportable",
- OCC 6.3.0 abstract classes do not define any constructor (maybe 
GCPnts_QuasiUniformAbscissa is an abstract class?),
-  I made a mistake and have to fix these issues.

I will have a look on these problems in the next days. I also currently work on 
an 2D/3D Visualization under Tkinter/WxPython. It's still in a very alpha stage 
but looks promising.


-------- Message d'origine--------
De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Dave Cowden
Date: jeu. 09/10/2008 02:10
À: minerva-pythonocc@gna.org
Objet : Re: [Minerva-pythonocc] pythonOCC 0.96 and STEP import bug
Greetings, List:

I continue to work on my mission, which is to use pythonOCC to "slice" a
solid model into layers for use in RepRap, an open source rapid prototyper.

Thanks, Thomas for version 0.97, I needed BRepBndLib!

In my last post I was looking for TopAbs_SHAPE-- i found them-- they are
module variables of OCC that that works fantastically!

I have come across a few other modules that have missing pieces.  There is
not much method to the list, other than i'm listing them as i come across

*   BRep_Tool is present, but is missing many methods for some reason-- for
example it has methods "Pnt" and "Surface", but is missing
"Curve","CurveOnSurface", etc.

* There are a few classes for tesselation that are present but have missing
init methods.
All of these classes:


seem to be missing the constructors and initialize methods that allow them
to operate.

* BRepOffset_MakeLoops -- similar to above, class definition is there but no
methods are bound.

* BRepOffset_Tool -- missing most of the methods

* BRepTools -- Read, (very handy opposite Write), UVBounds methods missing

I'm guessing that these were omitted due to some class/signiture that could
not be resolved or something....

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