Jens Staal dixit:

> sure you can do that. I just thought this to be a bit too "fringe" to actually
> be of general interest.

OK, will do. You’ll find that “the mksh crowd” actually lives on such
“fringe” things. There are Plan 9 people, Minix (pre-Minix3) people, people, Haiku, Syllable, Hurd, OSF/1, ULTRIX, and lots
more here.

>> Jens Staal dixit:
>>> Naturally curious as I am, I started to play with trying to compile mksh 
>>> with
>>> openwatcom on Linux (Arch x86_64) - mostly due to nostalgia with all the
>>> Dos4GW
>> Oh, Watcom now exists for Linux? Do you have any further information
>> on that (does it come with source; is it even Open Source; does it
>> exist in Debian, is it portable to MirBSD, what (CPU) architectures
>> are supported)?
> The official version is handled by perfoce, which is somewhat annoying, but
> source tarballs are available along with x86/x86_64 Linux binaries.

Hm, interesting.


I’ll have a look at it (and will peek at getting it to work on BSD).

> There is also a github mirror/fork
> but I failed building that one...

Typical… ;-)

> Just realized that setting CC=owcc instead of CC=wc386 makes a lot of the 
> tests
> work.

The compiler driver should behave cc-like enough, yes.
I think we noted that $somewhere, but once you got a
bit farther I can really put it on the homepage.

> Stuff I do need to try to figure out is whether I need to
> define some other stuff like AR, RANLIB or similar (I also played with trying
> to build sbase (aiming for small stuff with no external
> dependencies) and got as far as the "util.a" library but could not link it to
> make a binary - got errorcodes that are "ungoogleable").

Off-topic, but you may put a follow-up posting to this one
to the mailing list (with a subject change, and do a separate
follow-up without the subject change for continuing the mksh
discussion, please), in case someone’s got an idea – IRC is
also usually a good bet.

> apparently just doing "touch pwd.h" is enough to pass that test.

So <pwd.h> should be made optional? That’s not a problem.

> At the moment is stops at:
> sh.h(701): Error! E1022: Missing or misspelled data type near 'sigjmp_buf'
> sh.h(983): Error! E1022: Missing or misspelled data type near 'sigset_t'

Okay, you definitely need sigsetjmp() which pulls in sigjmp_buf
(if and precisely if your _setjmp() or setjmp() has sigsetjmp()-like
behaviour, we can get along with it, but if it’s got setjmp()-like
only, we can’t). And sigset_t is used by/with sigsuspend() and
sigprocmask() and friends, which is absolutely necessary for job
control and things like that.

> heh well the openwatcom is out there... I am mostly curious to see
> how well the resulting binaries will perform ;)

And whether at all, indeed ;) Good luck!

17:08⎜«Vutral» früher gabs keine packenden smartphones und so
17:08⎜«Vutral» heute gibts frauen die sind facebooksüchtig
17:10⎜«Vutral» aber auch traurig; früher warst du als nerd voll am arsch
17:10⎜«Vutral» heute bist du als nerd der einzige der wirklich damit klarkommt

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