Thanx a log for your replies :)

I was also using the wrong command for the EXISTING user katia:
pico@hive:~$ sudo useradd -G guest katia
useradd: already a `katia' user

pico@hive:~$ sudo usermod -G guest katia
pico@hive:~$ groupinfo guest
name    guest
passwd  *
gid     31
members root katia

So user 'katia' was in primary and now is in secondary too!
I can't say I understand the use of primary and secondary.

I remember when I created user 'user' with useradd and entered 'wheel'
when prompted for the login group,
I didn't gain any sudo powers. (primary)
It was only untill I did: usermod -G wheel user that I gained sudo
powers (sencondary as I understand it).


On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Antoine Jacoutot <>
> On Sat, 7 May 2011, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> Yes this is expected behaviour. /etc/group lists secondary group
>> memberships, /etc/passwd (and related files) list the primary groups.
>> Most of the tools you're using to investigate group membership
>> (groupinfo, getent etc) only list secondary groups.
>> "id katia" is showing first the primary group (gid=31), and then a
>> list of all groups this user has permissions for (either primary
>> or secondary).
> When you use useradd -g =uid, the primary group is created and the user
> put into it.
> # groupadd kiki
> # useradd kiki
> # groupinfo kiki
> name    kiki
> passwd  *
> gid     1001
> members
> versus
> # useradd -g =uid kiki
> # groupinfo kiki
> name    kiki
> passwd  *
> gid     1001
> members kiki
> --
> Antoine

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