On 05/11/2011, David Riley <fraveyd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> whoever decided that the BIOS needed a "friendly" mouse-driven interface
> ought to be dragged out into the street and shot.

Mouse BIOS really grates but the little bird is too much.

They've hidden everything useful but included a very extensive test suite.
The boot and remote management options are hideously extensive.
Other than that I can set the time ... and a password.

As near as I can tell, the expectation is that BIOS is managed through
the operating system - there are downloadable utilities for this

It's in good nick and IBM (Lenovo) still have all the docs and files on the web.
The "ThinkPad 600 Suppliment to the User's Guide" (sic) is 221 pages ...
That's the supplement. :]
It's all english too.
One of the PDFs has 63 pages of assembly and C suggestions. :]
Ah, the good old days.

Best wishes.

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