irix wrote:

> When I try to build one or two subpackages for php 5.3 or 5.2, system
> try to build all available subpackages with their dependences. How I can
> avoid this ?

(BTW ports related stuff might be best directed to ports@)

I don't think you can.

AFAICT php is one monolithic piece of software that can't easily be built as
separate pieces. The port has as many optional components enabled to
satisfy as many usage scenarios as possible. This means that at build time
you get to build the whole lot.

By subdividing the port into multiple (sub)packages one gets to choose which
individual parts to install, instead of installing everything.

In my opinion you can't expect any convenience from MULTI_PACKAGES at build
time. MULTI_PACKAGES are convenient at install time to give you a choice to
only install those pieces you really need/want.

If you really want to influence the way a port is built, you might want to
create a FLAVOR. But I doubt that's worth the trouble.

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