On 11/24/12 1:54 PM, Matthew Weigel wrote:
On 11/24/2012 12:38 PM, Tomas Bodzar wrote:

some of you may remember a posting of mine here from March, 2012, in which I
mentioned that the ACPI buttonpress event is not being correctly transmitted
form a debian 6 host to an OpenBSD v5.1 guest.

In the meantime I've installed a OBSD v5.2 system which exhibits exactly the
same behavior -- the guest hangs (freezes) instantly and totally.

I've seen similar posts in the past which yielded replies mostly to the effect
of "OpenBSD's implementation is clean, Linux must be the bad guy".

I'm not interested in assigning blame, or seeing it assigned. I'd simply like to
see the problem solved, somehow.

Would a developer be willing to have a look, if I set up a v5.2 sandbox on the
debian host?
I would guess that they might also like to see some evidence that this
problem had been reported to the Qemu and libvirt developers, in the
interest of being "not interested in assigning blame."

Resurrecting this thread, since I also got a total freeze in Qemu/KVM after sending ACPI shutdown using OpenBSD 5.3.

Testing, I also tried 5.3 in VirtualBox and VMWare, both gave clean shutdown. This makes me suspect KVM is at fault...

QEMU/KVM (echo system_powerdown | nc -U /tmp/test1.monitor ) ---> total freeze
        VirtualBox ("ACPI shutdown") --> clean shutdown
        VMWare Fusion ("Shutdown") --> clean shutdown

FWIW, I'm using an illumos/omnios host on AMD hardware.


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