On 03/18/17 11:36, Joe Gidi wrote:
> Apologies for the horribly mangled formatting on the first attempt.
> Resending, hopefully much more legibly...
> I have a file server running -current on amd64. It has a three-drive RAID1
> softraid array. Up until yesterday, I'd been running a snap from February
> 18 and everything was behaving as expected.
> After updating to a fresh snapshot yesterday, I noticed that the output of
> bioctl is different and a bit odd. It now shows "0% done", but the array
> and all three member drives are showing as online:
> $ sudo bioctl sd4
> Volume      Status               Size Device
> softraid0 0 Online      4000786726912 sd4     RAID1 0% done
>           0 Online      4000786726912 0:0.0   noencl <sd1a>
>           1 Online      4000786726912 0:1.0   noencl <sd2a>
>           2 Online      4000786726912 0:2.0   noencl <sd3a>
> SMART status on all member drives is healthy, and I can see no sign of
> an actual drive failure, so I don't understand why bioctl appears to
> be showing a rebuild in progress.
> Can anyone clue me in on why I'm seeing this?

I'm seeing the same thing on a machine fresh-built on current last week,
so looks like a "feature" of -current, rather than an upgrade issue.

OpenBSD 6.1-beta (GENERIC.MP) #10: Sun Mar 12 20:24:57 MDT 2017

# bioctl softraid0
Volume      Status               Size Device
softraid0 0 Online       985661513728 sd2     RAID1 0% done
          0 Online       985661513728 0:0.0   noencl <sd0m>
          1 Online       985661513728 0:1.0   noencl <sd1m>

/home/nick $ uptime
11:00PM  up 4 days, 15:16, 1 user, load averages: 1.13, 1.12, 1.08


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