On Tuesday, 25 July 2017 21:30:08 CEST Mxher wrote:
> I'm renting a dedicated server from a web host that unfortunately does
> not propose OpenBSD installation.
> So I'm installing OpenBSD using qemu from my host rescue mode (which use
> FreeBSD).
> Usually it works like a charm but this time, on this server/hardware, it
> does not work: OpenBSD does not seem to start at all.
> Indeed when I boot with qemu I do not see any logs of the "normal" boot
> of the server (I only see qemu's boots in the logs).

Maybe I misunderstand what you are trying to do, but: There is sgabios for 
redirecting vga text output to serial console in qemu. Maybe that could help 
somehow? Or try using VNC console in qemu. Are you seeing the openbsd 
bootloader prompt? Are you then setting the console correctly in the openbsd 

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