I get this...
"ksh: pkgconfig: not found"


# apropos pkg |grep config
pkg-config(1) - fetch metadata about installed software packages

# pkg-config --help

Okay, well, something needs to be corrected somewhere, pkg_mgr was
indicating "pkgconfig" ?


On 10/15/17 10:16, Marc Espie wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 15, 2017 at 09:55:40AM -0400, Daniel Villarreal wrote:
>> re: pkgconfig not available
>> I see pkgconfig as being available in OpenBSD 6.2 when I run pkg_mgr,
>> but I don't see it in several mirrors. Please advise.
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel Villarreal
> Did you try running it ?
> pkgconfig is part of the base system, as a complete rewrite.
> No wonder you won't find it in packages.

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