On May 7, 2006, at 9:21 AM, dave feustel wrote:

I just upgraded to 3.9 yesterday and today I am having
severe network problems. This has been happening for the
past week, but is now much worse. Browser requests take forever
to complete, I can't ping verizon.com, traceroute doesn't
work through the new verizon dsl modem which assigns
a local address of to my computer. The
modem has address Here is some sample console
log showing the ping and traceroute problems.
I called Verizon technical support, but it is useless.
Any ideas about how to fix this?

1) Your ping to mindspring.com succeeds.
2) Your traceroutes to verizon.com and mindspring.com fail. These are being blocked by your DSL modem.
3) Pings to verizon.com are being filtered by Verizon.

So where are the "severe network problems" you allude to? And why does your email suggest any of this is related to OpenBSD?

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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