On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Sebastian Rother
<sebastian.rot...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
>> Why exactly does showing benchmark output make you think svnd gets any
>> faster?
>> Do you believe the developers are going to look at your numbers and fix
>> it for you because your numbers show that the cpu sits around doing
>> nothing all day?
> svnds are used for make release as well
> But I'm sure u're aware of this.
> So any bug in that code might not be that pleasant.

The release builds some 1.4MB floppies using svnd.  According to your
numbers, it takes 1 second to do so.  Assuming we "fix" svnd to be 10
times faster, a rather remarkable improvement, that will result in
being able to build releases 0.1% faster.  Doesn't seem like a high

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