[2016-11-20 11:56] Larry Hynes <la...@larryhynes.com>
> On 2016-11-18, markus schnalke <mei...@marmaro.de> wrote:
> > (Larry is not subscribed to the list. Thus the full quote below.)
> I'm 'subscribed' through gmane.org's nntp spool, which is my
> mailing-list subscription method of choice!

Ah, thanks to that information. Quite interesting indeed.
I just had to whitelist your address. Now everything's just
as you would be subscribed.

> My enthusiasm for this work took a bit of a hit over the weekend,
> as I've actually had to switch back to using nmh due to some local
> encoding issue which drove me absolutely nuts and which I failed
> to resolve after 48 hours of trying!! At some point, around the 7th
> of November, I made some change or changes locally (which I haven't
> been able to pinpoint) which caused mmh to stop handling certain
> UTF-8 characters in headings, while handling the same characters
> fine in bodies. This may be the subject of another message but -
> for now - I'm sick and tired of it and have uncharacteristically
> accepted defeat.

I'm sorry to hear this. I hope we can solve it. (Better ask us
for help before you spend so much time into such an issue.)

Am I right that with ``heading'' you mean ``mail header (field)''
and with ``body'' you mean ``message body''? These two are indeed
differently handled ... and, indeed, the text might be differently
encoded in both cases. Relevant information to help you debug it
would be: a test message, your profile (or relevant parts of it),
and the shell environment (env(1)).

> Anyway - less talk, more patch! :D


I hope your enthusiasm will be restored soon. :-)


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