David Wheeler Software Developer 281 Clara Street #3 San Francisco, CA 94107 P: (415) 606-1024 E: david@wheeler.net W: http://david.wheeler.net/ WHAT I DO ========= I create enterprise-scale software. I enjoy working at every level of software development, from determining needs and researching technologies through specification, design, and implementation to testing and delivery. I relish nothing more than leading a team of talented, dedicated developers and specialists to the delivery of a product that not only exceeds expectations but becomes essential to doing business. CRITICAL SKILLS =============== * New technology research and development. * Long-range enterprise-class application development planning. * Coordination with departments and customers to determine needs. * Establishing business and functional requirements. * Product specification and design. * Coordination and collaboration with designers on interface design. * Author standards specifications for documentation, coding style and testing. * Project engineering team builder and leader. * Project engineering infrastructure creation and management. * Software development project management. * Deep knowledge of complex object and database modeling and design. * Focal point for communication between R&D & engineering and UI design, client services, IS, and customers. * Delivery of complete, tested applications on-time and on-budget. * Product maintenance and enhancement. * Dedication, energy, and a sense of humor. EXPERIENCE ========== Maintainer, Bricolage Project ----------------------------- http://bricolage.sourceforge.net/ September 2001 - Present * Oversee all aspects of current and future development of Bricolage, an open-source content-management and publishing system featuring intuitive and highly-configurable administration, workflow, permissions, templating, server-neutral output, distribution, and document management. * Work with other developers to plan, implement, document, and deliver new features and bug fixes. * Evangelize Bricolage to other organizations. Consultant, World Health Organization ------------------------------------- September - October 2001 * Worked with the WHO Internet development team, assisting them with installation and training on Bricolage. * Made presentations to WHO management and staff describing and demonstrating the advantages of Bricolage in the WHO asset management plan. * Worked closely with the WHO asset management project leads to plan for the integration of Bricolage as a central part of their project. Project Lead, Bricolage Project ------------------------------- Primedia/About.com May 2001 - September 2001 * Led a team of software engineers completing Bricolage, the enterprise content management application started at Salon.com/CreationWare. * Oversaw every aspect of the Bricolage specification, design, implementation, documentation, testing, and release. * Hired and managed project specialists contributing to every every level of the application, from database to programming to UI. * Assisted the Primedia Internet Resources & Technology group in planning for the deployment of Bricolage as the heart of their enterprise content management infrastructure. * Specified, documented, and implemented a whole lot of object-oriented, user interface, and database access code. Senior Software Engineer ------------------------ Salon.com/CreationWare April 2000 - April 2001 * Collaborated on design and implementation of CreationEngine, a next-generation enterprise asset management application. * Coordinated with all department and customers to determine needs and establish business requirements for CreationEngine. * Established avenues of communication with other departments to assure that CreationEngine stayed on track to meet needs throughout the development cycle. * Researched latest technology developments to determine how they might add value to CreationEngine. * Specified, documented, and implemented a whole lot of object-oriented, user interface, and database access code. Systems Manager --------------- University of California, San Francisco/General Clinical Research Center August 1999 - April 2000 * Used Perl/DBI to harvest data from distributed data sources and build a Microsoft SQL Server data warehouse of patient data for clinical research. * Investigated new technologies (Linux, Java, etc.) and how they might apply to clinical research issues. * Created web-based database applications for tracking administrative and clinical data. Systems Engineer ---------------- University of Virginia Health System/Computing Services January 1998 - July 1999 * Researched, evaluated, recommended, and implemented enterprise management system. * Supervised coordination of desktop management needs with Data Center, network, and server management requirements to integrate best-of-breed solutions into overall management solution. * Systems integration between Microsoft SQL Server databases, Novell NDS, Windows NT Directory, Remedy AR System, Microsoft Systems Management Server, Payroll, WHOIS database, and Microsoft Exchange. * Created Perl and Microsoft Visual Basic applications to support software distribution and systems integration across the enterprise and to mobile users. TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE =================== Languages RDBMSs Markup --------- ------ ------ OO Perl PostgreSQL XML DBI Oracle 8i HTML SQL MS SQL Server DHTML Java MySQL CSS JDBC BerkeleyDB XSLT JavaScript HTML::Mason Visual Basic Python Platforms Applications Methodologies --------- ------------ ------------- Linux Apache/mod_perl Object-Oriented Design Unix Apache/mod_ssl Design by Contract Windows 2000 CVS Extreme Programming Windows NT Bugzilla Functional Programming Mac OS X SourceForge Model-View-Controller Mac OS 9 GNU Emacs Design Patterns Palm OS Bricolage Data Model Patterns Embarcadero ER/Studio Open-Source Development EDUCATION ========= 1997 MA, University of Virginia - Anthropology 1993 BA, California State University, Sacramento - Anthropology