I think you should use whatever you like most.
Even if one did not have a future, why wouldn't you use it? Both GTK and QT, on which respectively GTK# and QT# rely, both have a big userbase.
So even if GTK# or QT# would cease to exist, you can still use the last version right?

Only my opinion though :)
So if you ask me: use the one you like most.

Sijmen Mulder:

1 Linux gamer
2 .NET coder (in linux!)
3 IRC gek (ook in linux)
4 Stageloper
5 Stommesignatures-schrijver

From: Davy Brion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mono-list] QT# or GTK# ?
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 18:59:34 +0000

Hey guys,

i'd like to hear some arguments over which one is better or has the most
promising future.  Personally i'd prefer to use QT# because i'm a KDE user,
but if GTK# is better or has a better future, then i'd rather go with GTK#.

Has anyone used them both? If so, can you please comment on the quality of
both? Or if you just have any comments on which one i should use, please go
ahead and list them since i just want the best one and i'd like to hear from
people who've used either one of them or preferably both.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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