Iron Giant is good!!!
I enjoyed it

: - )

At 04:59 PM 7/12/2009, Toochis Morin wrote:
I think 2001 is very cool and atmospheric. Does it rival THE IRON GIANT? For


From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <>
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2009 2:43:15 PM
Subject: Re: [MOPO] On the other side of the coin.....

> As for the incredibly wooden acting, even at the time everyone did recognize that as a weird flaw and it was something harped on by every reviewer. It's still hard to understand why Kubrick deliberately went that route with the acting style, as his other films clearly demonstrate that he was capable getting good, emotional performances out of his cast.

aaah.. but here is where most people "don't get it"

every "serious" film that has astronauts has wooden acting.. Apollo 13 being a very good example.. and there is a reason for it: the simple fact that astronauts are level headed to the point of total boredom. As a matter of fact, it's a trait that NASA looks for in it's pilots as do Airlines and the Air Force

Hot-doggers can be a liability in stressful situations. But a level headed, no-nonsense pilot will get the job done without frills

Look at Chesley Sullenberger - the pilot who successfully landed a jumbo jet in the Hudson River without a single fatality and no serious injuries to any passengers. I think Keir Dullea exhibited more emotion in 2001 than that guy has on talk shows.

another factor - the actor's wooden appearances also are in line the even more wooden aspect of Hal-2000

one more point.. scientists - and all astronauts are scientists - also are among some of the driest personalities you will find.. I know a few, including one guy who was at one time "a rocket scientist".. Personality is a liability to them.. It uses energy.. they want the energy for other things


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