Hi, I think the point is that, wrong or not, (as Wolfgang confirmed), this has happened, in the case of the Peeping Tom quads at least.
I really don't know exactly what happened with The Outlaw 6 sheet(s).
I'm not advocating it, just pointing out that it happens.

On 2 Aug 2010, at 01:04, Ken Farrell wrote:

Hi, I just thought that I would chime on this one...

I think the point is being missed...If all of a sudden you have 75 copies of a rare item, the value is automatically changed by the laws of supply and demand. Anything you do to control this is some sort of insider trading. If you lie to numerous people, you are protecting your own interests at the expense of others. What if you auction one copy and get the record setting price? All the bidders will feel cheated when the next 74 come up for sale. You would feel the same.

The deflated value is a reality...these posters should be sold at an estimated new, readjusted value and all will work out. You just won't become rich.

Also, once a number of these posters show up, try to convince the market that there are only 75 in the find. The gossip will fly (75 or 750?) and the item just might loose all of its value.

I have purchased large quantities of rare items many times over the years and have sold them for prices related to the find.

Just Kids Nostalgia

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Halegua Comic Art <sa...@comic-art.com>
Sent: Sun, Aug 1, 2010 4:00 pm
Subject: Re: [MOPO] PUZZLE: flooding the market

At 12:44 PM 8/1/2010, Richard Evans wrote:
>Yes Rich, you describe the best method.
>Alternatively, there's:
>Approach a dealer with your find of perhaps half a dozen max, >(that's all there is, no really). >Approach second dealer (that's all there is, no really), third etc, >etc, etc, and endeavor to get it done as swiftly as possible.
>Change telephone number, move to a nicer house.

the only problem with that Richard is this:
after you call the third dealer, seeing as we all talk to each other (more or less) it would be pretty fast - maybe just hours - that everyone would know you have multiples of the items

of course, if you lie to every dealer so you can sell them fast, I imagine that Guido will be looking for you

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