OK Flip- let me address your beefs...

as far as why i write like i do.. partailly its because i am a Illiterete.. and never learned proper spelling or grammar.. as i left school at age 15 and was expelled as i drew a Picture of Led zeppling in art class instead of florals..i think it was 1971... And you know what.. I would do it again ..just like i feel people likeyou that are angery at God,,(whom you call names and are mad at

You just dont get it...

ee Gods plan is very precise unlike me ..

I am partially blind and is why my spelling and grammar are also so bad..I only have one good eye.. my leaft ear went deaf due o antibiotics and i walk like quisimodo.. as i had my foot reconstructed in 2013.. ive had my last rights read as i became sepsis and almost died in 2012 and ive had 4 heart stenes..

Ive heard others like you say they are angery with God... just ast week a friend said His dad die ofalzheimers andhe was angery with God..becausee his dad was a good man and didnt deserve to die a horrible death..

I had another friend whom after climbing the ladder f corpp succes had just boughta new 500.00 home and was riding high when his wife got cancer and died.. when I asked who do you feel about God?? he said we Feel ROBBed as they deserved more.... then i called him back he wouldnt even talk to me he was so hurtand bitter... he then got esophoguus cancer and died last year.. they had 3 kids..she didnt get to see them graduate..

so sure get angry at God... blame god for not ruushing in and saving the day.. but fact is he knows very well as he gave his ONLY son because he loved the world so he would tak all the burdens and mistakes of man on himself so we could have everlasting Life.. no just this 100 or so topes liefe where you look like a california raisan.. but everlasting and forever..

AS i was being taken to the cleveland clinic-June 13th where i have had about 5-7 surgeries for my eyes..(glucome,catara,vitrectomy,iredectomy, tubes in my eyes, avasticn shots , lazers) the driver a christian woman pointed out the story of job,,,he was tested with every form of loss and never turned against God as he said well..i will not leave you..and man did he get the pressure.. whenMy surgeon on my foot asked me which do you prefer to doe Tom..heart attack, infection, blindness, cancer, what?? i said well doc none sounds great i guess blindness because i loveto see stuffand thats been my whole business .. but audio also as i play music and love sounds..i like to smell, touch , walk, all of it.. but if its gods will,, then Im Good with whatever happens.. as thats how i even have got this far..

when I asked God why am i experiencing so much suffering and sadness .. the answer i got was how would you ever understand what my children have been through if you didnt walk in thier shoes... how could you possible know what it feels like not to see, not to hear, not to walk,,unless you expeienced it??

ThenI said thank You God this is not a curse,,but a blessing as perhaps i can help others not give uphave anger and feel they are owed and demand you to fix thier issues.. as i see you have not done this but are trying to teach us to love unconditionally each other andhelp others to get well in thier hearst and souls..

And i belive your promice to us that we will all be united in the future for eternity..and without pain and suffering..

So my surgeon one themost highly respected docs inthe world a military doc who now heads the dalas texas univercity southwestren ortho.. besides being a army doc andias also a christioan..whenhe was head of the mash unit in Iraq and also in Germany he was considered the finest surgeon to rebuild feet and limbs..he did the green berets and seals and spe ops..

after i told him my answer..that what ever god wanted is fine with me.. he said well thats why yourstill alive today.is becase you believe...

I said I do??? i said im so scared as i have no idea what i am doing buti figure God doesand so far its liek a movie script and i think will work out for Gods plan...

I think when we trust god..he knows what we need and helps us..
when we get angry with God and say he should do it ou way like kids that dont listen to the parents we screw up and get lost...

I hope you Filip find peace in whatever happened to cause you such anger and sadness...

all the best and God bles, Tom

ps my son bought me a Ukulele forfathers day andits really cute and ill add to my collection of Ukes.its a 1940s -Biltmore from chicago -tenor you never hear a sad song on a Uke

On 2017-06-18 11:29, filip de volder wrote:
well , as usual i did start reading your mail here but then i gave up
, for some reason the first phrase is always correct and then it looks
like you start writing at the speed of someone who just sniffed a
handfull of cocaine and who doesn't really care where he hits .

God never talked to me , i used to talk a lot to him , calling him a
bastard piece of shit but then i realized it was a bit daft to address
something that is not there

anyway , an advise that you must have heard before , if you're
dislectic it may help going slow and sticking to the basics of what
you have to say ...


FROM: dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com
 SENT: Saturday, June 17, 2017 3:40 PM
 TO: filip de volder
 CC: MoPo-L@listserv.american.edu
 SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Sold for 1.2m metropolis poster

what if I told you God told me he was dysfunctional too?
 I was taking the trash out one day and was stressed as my own so was
 and dexlexic..well I asked god why are these kids so screwed up

 as i walked to the street the m essge i got was awesome.. he said
 wrry about tem they are blessed and sensitive to whats arondthem
 why they act like they do... they are sensitive..

 I could relate this to a VU meter in a recording studio where if To
 date or sound is put in the meter peaks because its overloaded...

 He basically said they are fine... its the ones with Blinders on that

 dont see others andharden thier hearts that are really ill and sick
 the heart and soul..

 wow i thought how profound... he said look at naure do you see
 he said im so diverse and ADD thats why i make all these beautiful
 things like trees, mountains, oceans and allow the Human s to have
 free thought and free choices..not o enslave them but set them free
 they can learn to help each other and love.. so dont worry...the kids

 are fine.. its the adults that want to calm them and program them and

 stifle thierabilitys to be creative thinkers that need help///
 Now you can believe that was God or my self speaking to me..I was
 awestruck with his answeras i cant even think like that..andthought
 was odd i was taking the trash out when i had the reveleastion..

 So my son whos now 30 called me about a month ago..hes had a complex
 he wet to LD school and was looked at aaas dexlexic andso they tret
 like that as slow learners.. hes actually smart and creative and make

 props to ern a income..and always has like10 rojects in the works,,,,
 was able o complete a film andplay in bands andseems to be dealing
 it. but had a complex as i neer went past 8th grade and was expelled
 from school when I drew a picture in art cleass whenthe others where
 doing Florals.. my prinicipal said Tom ive only expelled on other guy
 my life..- Mark Farner of grand funk rialroad..in flint
 hes done pretty good..
 I wanted to play musc so i shook his hand and said youll never regret

 this..andi Must sayd i havent eiether as life is so short.. and for
me i
 feel ive had the best ride i could ak forand metsome of the coolist
 peple on earth in my lifetime..so no compalints.
 I wish i could talk less and write better but whats cool is i feel
 people need o know they are not alone..

 so My son called me the other day all excited and pumped up.. he said

 Dad !!! Steven Speilberg was diagnosed as dexlexic and said hes had
 trouble reading and writing al hs life....therea you tube vide where
 hes interbviewed and so... being that hes like one ou r Top fave
 directors ofall time..we thaouht how cool is that??

 as in my life ive noticed that add people seem to havea real
 sensitivity to life and art and things aroundthem like visuals,
 amdeven actile things like smells an tastes... so I feel they are
 special andin tough..

 I also see that now schoools see the same and offer school in areas
 peple want to pursue liekart music , film and things versus just the
 basics... i would have gladly stayed but I wannted to get out and gig

 and play music and record..i did go back without credits and took a
 super8mm film class however i coud notafford much film so there are
 films in my possesion from my biggest film accomplishment was i shota

 dem Tape for my friend asa smith who wanted to get into news
 broadcasting on a mag striped sound camera kodak,,that 1971-72
 period..He got into news and became the TODAY shows consumer advocate

 over 20 years at NBC 30 Rockefeller plaza and we are still good
 friends.. as he also took the 1st photos of me whenI played in Johnny

 and the hurricanes at age 17-18..
 So we both got some great breaks...
 so I believe its GOd , family and friends,, that get us through
 anything..and im happy to say many on moppe have helpped me greatly
 overall my falls and tumbles and i thank you so much and hope i dont
 make to many upset with my bad speelling and grammar

 its art my eyes are bad so i dont look at the screen.. i just
 part..i dont like to type///
 the people that have helped and mentored me have been some of the
 awesome people i could ever imagine meeting..soim very lucky i
 all i can think is Gods teaching me so maybe i can hel others ..
 what i hope.. but considering all my flubs well i am just as
 as you may e i can do anything....! LL:)
 have great weekend and buy my stuff..:)

 On 2017-06-17 05:32, filip de volder wrote:
 > yes , gdo belss them !
 > -------------------------
 > FROM: MoPo List <mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU> on behalf of Tom
 > <dreamfact...@hollywooddreamfactory.com>
 > SENT: Friday, June 16, 2017 10:18 PM
 > SUBJECT: Re: [MOPO] Sold for 1.2m metropolis poster
 > Stop the Presses...
 > so.. I am not the only one who had a issue with owning a oscar®
 > You just cant make this stuff up .........
 > I found the one i had in Toledo years ago and when i went to seell
 > due to divorce n 2000 it was the academy who came after me as mine
 > didnt have a plate
 > Rudy had just doe n a antiques roadshow and valued a simiar one at
 > 15k..
 > I think i put mine up at 3k.. well whenthe atty from AMPAS®
 > contacted me
 > and said what if it was stolen.. i thought well now ill have to
 > the original Guy into it..see the reason I was able to get it so
 > inexpensive and took me 6 years after i saw it in a window.... the
 > guy
 > said i was 1st to recognize it in 30 years in the window...
 > i was eating a filet of fish sandwich when i turned my head and
 > gleaming in the window,,,.. i went in and said sir if youever wish
 > sell it I would love in in my mini Museum in my shop... so one day
 > calls he said i didn lots of research and i decided to allow you to
 > have
 > it as yourpassion for Hollywood is so deep..
 > so in 200 I didnt want to sell it but it was to be my fuel to get
 > started again as i lost my paid off buiding to he ex wife as part
 > the
 > settlement and i got the business.....
 > Katie Holmes dad who s a local atty in Toledo was my atty and did
 > negociations with the AMpas attys.. I was able to get a small
 > for returning the Oscar and what i lked was a signed contratct with
 > the
 > academys president and Katies dad to hold me harmless foranything
 > a
 > result of giving it back to the academy...
 > Also for me it wa great as my son who was very Young had told me
 > they just want to prtect thier property like you do on intelectual
 > property// so i agreed and my son got to see along with my peers i
 > was
 > trying to do the right thing..
 > some people even called me on Phone and offered like 20k cash if i
 > would
 > sell it to them..
 > so a oscare to me was a liability not a asset.
 > people would act very starnge whe i showed it so i removed it from
 > the
 > store as i could see they wanted to grab it and run...
 > it was like raiders of the lost ark... and the holy grail of
 > memorabilia..
 > I feel sorry for leo and deluca... as it appears they did not chose
 > wisely
 > and we all make mistakes,,
 > so hope all works out
 > Now i can see why Deluca left my facebook page over my joke about
 > memorabilia..
 > but we all have issues and all need to help each other as best as
 > possible..so my best to them all.God bless Leo and Ralph
 > On 2017-06-16 15:42, Richard Evans wrote:
 > > Ah, ok thanks.
 > >
 > >> On 16 Jun 2017, at 17:20, i...@movieart.ch wrote:
 > >>
 > >> could be, this is what THR found out:
 > >>
 > >> Brando's Oscar was reportedly acquired in the fall of 2012 for
 > >> approximately $600,000 through a New Jersey memorabilia dealer.
 > _THR
 > >> _has learned this person is Ralph DeLuca, whom DiCaprio
 > >> had developed a relationship with due to their mutual interest
 > >> DeLuca's specialty: vintage movie posters. The still-active Red
 > >> Granite — whose next project is a remake of the 1973
 > prison-break
 > >> film _Papillon_starring Rami Malek and Charlie Hunnam —
 > >> to comment, as did the Department of Justice and DeLuca.
 > >>
 > >> the whole story:
 > >>
 > >


 Leonardo DiCaprio, the Malaysians and Marlon Brando's ... [1]
 Brando's Oscar was reportedly acquired in the fall of 2012 for
approximately $600,000 through a New Jersey memorabilia dealer. THR
has learned this person ...

 > [1]
 > [1]
 > Leonardo DiCaprio, the Malaysians and Marlon Brando's ... [1]
 > www.hollywoodreporter.com [2]

 Hollywood Reporter | Entertainment News [3]
 The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about
Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and
industry blogs.

 > Brando's Oscar was reportedly acquired in the fall of 2012 for
 > approximately $600,000 through a New Jersey memorabilia dealer. THR
 > has learned this person ...
 > >> [3]
 > >>
 > >> marcel
 > >>
 > >> VON: MoPo List [mailto:mopo-l@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU] IM AUFTRAG
 > VON
 > >> Richard C Evans
 > >> GESENDET: Freitag, 16. Juni 2017 18:08
 > >> BETREFF: Re: [MOPO] Sold for 1.2m metropolis poster
 > >>
 > >> This is neither the rumoured DiCaprio one or Ken Schacter/Ralph
 > >> DeLuca one? Lost track.
 > >>
 > >> Sent from my iPhone
 > >>
 > >> On 15 Jun 2017, at 21:58, Philipp Kainbacher
 > >> <00000015e579331a-dmarc-requ...@listserv.american.edu> wrote:
 > >>
 > >>> This is by far the most expensive movie poster ever sold!
 > >>>
 > >>> Philipp
 > >>>
 > >>>
 > >>
 > >
 > [2]
 > >>> [1]
 > >>>
 > >>> Sent from my iPhone
 > >>>
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