it's probably a compiler-specific problem. I tried it on gcc 4.6.4 (ubuntu 12.04), gcc 4.8.2 (ubuntu 14.04), clang (osx), and they all work ok.

you should use UINT64 instead, which is defined in Typedef.h. It's been debugged to work on all platforms/compilers i know

On 24/03/2015 15:49, marco turchi wrote:
Hi All,
we have fixed the problem I reported yesterday.

It is not clear to me the reason of that error, but I can compile Moses with the --with-mm flag, if in all the files inside the moses/TranslationModel/UG folder, I replace

typename ::uint64



The modified files are: mmsapt.h, sapt_pscore_unaligned.h, mm/ug_bitext.h, mm/ug_mm_tsa.h, mm/ug_tsa_base.h, mm/ug_tsa_bitset_cache.h and mm/ug_tsa_tree_iterator.h.

I compile Moses on a x86_64-redhat-linux machine with gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11) (GCC), boost 1_55_0 and xmlrpc-c version 1_40_2.

I hope this can be useful if someone has a similar problem.

Thanks a lot!

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:40 PM, marco turchi < <>> wrote:

    Hi All,
    I'm compiling the last version of Moses (downloaded today from the
    master). Everything works fine if I do not add the --with-mm
    parameter, but when I include it, moses crashes. I have looked in
    the mailing list but I have not found anything useful.

    Do you have any ideas about a possible reason? I attach the log-file

    Thanks a lot!

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