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A very overcast, misty and slippery afternoon at Sax-Zim found five  Northern 
Hawk Owls and three Great Gray Owls.
A Great Gray was found on Co. 133, 5.5 miles west of U.S. 53. Two Great  
Grays were found on Co. 213 (McDavitt Rd.).  One was 3.5 miles and one  3.9 
north of Co. 28.
Two Northern Hawk Owls were found on Co. 7, one 2.5 miles north of Co. 52;  
the other was found .5 miles north of Co. 28.
Three NHOW's were found on McDavitt Rd. (Co. 213). One .25 miles north  of 
Co. 28. One 2.9 miles north of Co. 28. The last was found 3.5 miles north of  
Co. 28, right across the road from one of the Great Grays mentioned above.
South Admiral Rd. (Co. 788) revealed nothing this afternoon except two  
Northern Shrikes.
Bill & Diane Flowers
Forest Lake

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<DIV>A very overcast, misty and slippery afternoon at Sax-Zim found five=20
Northern Hawk Owls and three Great Gray Owls.</DIV>
<DIV>A Great Gray was found on Co. 133, 5.5 miles west of U.S. 53. Two Great=
Grays were found on Co. 213 (McDavitt Rd.).&nbsp; One was 3.5 miles&nbsp;and=
3.9 miles north of Co. 28.</DIV>
<DIV>Two Northern Hawk Owls were found on Co. 7, one 2.5 miles north of Co.=20=
the other was found .5 miles north of Co. 28.</DIV>
<DIV>Three NHOW's were found on McDavitt Rd. (Co. 213).&nbsp;One .25 miles n=
of Co. 28. One 2.9 miles north of Co. 28. The last was found 3.5 miles north=
Co. 28, right across the road from one of the Great Grays mentioned above.</=
<DIV>South Admiral Rd. (Co. 788)&nbsp;revealed nothing this afternoon except=
Northern Shrikes.</DIV>
<DIV>Bill &amp; Diane Flowers</DIV>
<DIV>Forest Lake</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>


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