Got to Cedar Ave. Bridge at 6am - first one there!~ as for good migrants
alas it was rather quiet (I was hoping to hear/see Barred Owls too) and I
left around 8:30.  Best birds for me:

Yellow headed Blackbird -FOY- several
Yellow-rumped warber -FOY -several
House Wren - FOY
White-throated sparrows -FOY -large flock

Also present:
Cedar waxwings
N. Shoveler
G. Egret
A. Widgeon
Blue wing teal
Wood ducks
un-IDed Hawk soared over
Many other common residents

At Acacia Cemetery, things were also quiet but not a washout:
Chipping sparrow - FOY - feeders across street
E. Bluebird - field behind feeder house


Jim Ryan
St. Paul's Westside

"A man who dares to waste an hour of time has not discovered the value of
life." - Charles Darwin
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