*Parking Lot -* *Snow Bunting* (Lifer) in Anoka county, *Magnificent
Frigatebird* (Lifer), Beach parking lot Lemon Bay FL & *Cattle egret* at
Publix in SW Florida

*Work* - *Yellow-headed blackbird* during a job interview (Lifer), *Peregrine
Falcon* 20 ft out the 11th story window.

*Yard- **Magnolia warbler* & *E. Screech-owl,* *Purple finch* (nemesis bird)


Jim Ryan
Saint Paul's Westside
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and
beauty of the biotic community" - Aldo Leopold

“There has been a tremendous renaissance in nature study in recent years; it
has been called a form of escapism, and perhaps it is in a way, but not an
escape from reality; but rather, a return to reality; a flight from unreal
things.” - Roger Tory Peterson
On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Pastor Al Schirmacher <
pasto...@princetonfreechurch.net> wrote:

> Saw an interesting question on Facebook this morning:  what is your
> favorite parking lot bird?  Got me thinking about unusual locations:
> * Parking lot:  Gray-crowned Rosy Finches in Cloquet, MN parking lot
> * Yard:  tie between Cattle Egret and Prairie Falcon, north of Princeton,
> MN
> * Work:  Lark Sparrow
> * Restaurant:  tie between BB Magpie & Golden Eagle
> * Hotel:  Black-throated Magpie-Jay (business trip in Mexico many years
> ago, probably not unusual for residents).
> How about you?
> Al Schirmacher
> Princeton, MN
> Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
> pasto...@princetonfreechurch.net
> ----
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