Hi Birders
Yesterday was a great day and I hope many of you saw some of these birds

Yesterday morning under the expert guidance of Naturalist Gary Swanson we saw 
58 species of birds at the Coon Rapids Dam on the Coon Rapids  side.  The 
highlights of that hike were a northern Parula , Baltimore Oriole,broad winged 
hawk, Redstarts, great egret, double crested cormorants brown thrasher, white 
crowned and  white throated sparrows and a lincoln sparrow. 

 Later that evening my friend Travis called me and asked me if I wanted to go 
to Veterans Memorial Park in Richfield as he heard that it was good for 
warblers.  I readily agreed and from about six thirty to eight thirty last 
night we saw several  species of  warblers including yellow rumped, black and 
white, Yellow, redstart, chestnut sided, magnolia, black throated green, yellow 
rumped and palm .  We also saw catbirds, wood ducks, baltimore orioles, we 
heard a sora and I saw what was for me a lifer the black crowned night heron.  
Here is my flickr link where I have some of the photos from yesterday

Ron Taube 
Coon Rapids
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