*"Sparky" Stensaas – Author & Publisher Kollath & Stensaas Publishing*

*Migrate, Hibernate or Deal With It*Tonight: January 28 at 7:30 pm

Winter is a force to be reckoned with in the North. Birds, mammals,
amphibians, and even insects not only survive but THRIVE in the winter
woods of the boreal
forest. Our visiting winter finches are especially adapted to our harsh
winters. Learn how they do it through stunning images and HD video of some
critters in this interesting and entertaining presentation. Sparky will
also be signing his new book, Winter Finches of North America, and have the
field guides he publishes for sale as well.

*When:*  Please join us from 7:00-7:30 pm to socialize over cookies. From
7:30 – 8:45 pm we have a brief business meeting and the featured speaker.
*Where:* Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center 3801
American Blvd E, Bloomington. Hwy 494 to 34thAve – S to American Blvd; turn
left and go 2 blocks. Center will be on your right. Use the staff entrance
in the center of the building (not the east door). There is plenty of free
Public Transit:  Via light rail, Blue line - exit at American Blvd and walk
east about ¼mile.

Steve Weston
On Quigley Lake in Eagan, MN

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