Ben Douglas has done some more sleuthing and has found this:
"I'm betting this is the hike-in location on Hill Ave. 44.534389,-92.392925 if
you use Google Street view you can see state park signage and a two-lane
track into the disjunct state parkland that would be southeast of the noted
viewing coordinates"
The original finders today have said this: "We walked the trail (of the
coordinates posted above) until we could either go left or right along a
cornfield and went left until the cornfield ended and we were at the river."

For those who don't know, you can put those coordinates into the google
maps search field and that will get you to the location.

Hope someone can refind it and the location and provide more detailed
information on how to view the bird.

On Wed, Jan 10, 2018 at 11:37 AM, Alex <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> The Tufted Duck was refound this morning from a viewing place in Frontenac
> State Park at these coordinates.
> 44.5417 -92.38217
> It was still present at 11:25 and actively feeding. No information as to
> what ducks it was feeding with was given, but I would assume it is the same
> flock as it has been with for the past few days: hundreds of Goldeneye and
> Mergansers, and associating with 2 female Greater Scaup, 1 male Greater
> Scaup, and 1 male Lesser Scaup. Also present yesterday was 1 female
> Bufflehead.
> Best of luck trying to view this bird. Unless a collector comes forward
> and says he’s missing a Tufted Duck, this bird behaviorally and physically
> is perfect for a wild bird and would represent a first state record for
> both Minnesota and Wisconsin, where it has been seen in days prior.
> Happy Birding,
> Alex Sundvall
> Sent from my iPhone

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