Frank Klemm wrote:
> ::  > This is a little bit problematic, because the number of distorted
> ::  > bands does not tell you the weight of distortions you will get.
> ::  > What do you think sounds uglier:
> ::  >  20 distorted bands, each 0.1 dB
> ::  > or
> ::  >   1 distorted band by 2 dB
> ::  > ???
> ::
> ::  I would say that 20 distorted bands at 0.1dB is preferable, and assume
> ::  that this is the choice of lame's algorithms. Is this assumption wrong ?
> ::
> Yes and no.
> That depends on the distortion of the undistorted bands. Also undistorted
> bands have an distortion, it is negative.

You are saying : "has a distortion" != "is distorted" ?
> First you need a table of the probability to hear distortions:
> distortion      probability     error noise
>    [d=dB]          [p=%]          [i]
> -10                50.0           0.0000
> -3                 50.8           0.0004
> -2.5               52.0           0.0025
> -2                 53.2           0.0064
> -1.5               55.6           0.020
> -1                 57.9           0.040
> -0.5               63.3           0.116
> -0.25              66.3           0.176
>  0                 70.2           0.281

isn't 0 dB distortion == no distortion ?
How can it be heared ?

> +0.1               72.2           0.336
> +0.2               74.2           0.422
> +0.3               76.1           0.504
> +0.4               78.0           0.593
> +0.5               80.0           0.706
> +1                 87.1           1.28
> +1.5               93.7           2.34
> +2                 97.2           3.65
> +2.5               99.0           5.43
> +3                 99.8           8.4
> +3.5               99.9           9.5

[ snip ]

Sorry if this is an "reader IQ too low" error :-)

David Balazic
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