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    From:  David Balazic @2:292/862
    To:    Sergey Sapelin @2:5020/1844.33
    Subj.: Re: [MP3 ENCODER] RazorLame 1.1.0 released
    Dated: 01 Sep 00  09:54:38
    [processed here:  05 Sep 00 14:12:45]

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From: David Balazic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Holger Dors wrote:
> Hello David,
> > For VBR mode the max bitrate is set on one screen, while min bitrate
> > on the other. Confusing.
> Yes, I know, and I'm open to any suggestions. But I'm not even
> supporting all switches now, e.g. free bitrates are still missing, as
> well as the presets aren't available. If someone does come up with a
> layout of a new option screen, I'd be willing to implement that in an
> upcoming version. (If I believe that it's better, of course, and it's
> not too hard to implement.)
> > Also when ABR is selected, the max bitrate slider should be turned off.
> I disagree. According to the help, it's "NOT RECOMMENDED", but after
> all it is possible.
Oh, didn't know that.

But I noticed that the -B option is not present in the command line !
( according to the "Show LAME commands:" button ,
shouldn't that be "show used LAME options:" ? )

An idea for the layout : put the min and max VBR bitrate
slider on the same screen !
Why is the ABR bitrate not a slider ?
With the option of manual number entry maybe.

> Who am I to say to the user that he cannot do
> this when he knows that it's possible? ;-)
> Regards,
>   Holger Dors                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )
MP3 ENCODER mailing list ( http://geek.rcc.se/mp3encoder/ )
@Via ifmail 2:292/862@fidonet, Sat Sep 2 2000 at 02:14 (2.14-tx8.10)

@Via D'Bridge 1.58 2:292/854  09/05 14:04

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