On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Cactus <rieman...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> At the moment the following should be there:
>  mpir.h
>  config.h
>  gmp-mparam.h
>  mpir.lib
>  mpir.pdb

Yes that is what I am seeing.

> I have been doing this for the mpir.h header only - by copying it to
> gmp.h.  But I think a global rename might make more sense.  In fact it
> would be easy to run a post build script that asked what names were
> wanted.

That sounds like an excellent idea, the person can choose when they
are compiling the code when the post-build script fires.

> A simple batch file to rename all the files mentioned above would do
> this wouldn't it?

I think a batch file to do the rename would do it.


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