I did some quick benchmarks using some older version of Brian's
benchmark code (we have a new version coming with more tests). The
penryn machine was heavily loaded, so I don't trust the values very
much, especially the pi ones, though I did all the benchmarks under
identical conditions. The K10 ones should be more accurate:


Squaring:         GMP 4.3.0 MPIR 1.2.0  MPIR 1.3.0
==========         ========  =========  ==========

128 x 128 :        50993028   51293922    51666716
512 x 512 :         9275740    7974568     8009900
8192 x 8192 :         98217      99896      100503
131072 x 131072 :      1537       1702        1724
2097152 x 2097152 :    68.2       79.5        80.6

128 x 128 :        50993028   51666716    51081525
512 x 512 :         7334238    7970325     8001954
8192 x 8192 :         70880      74547       74547
131072 x 131072 :      1159       1286        1294
2097152 x 2097152 :    47.3       55.9        57.3

15000 x 10000 :       34617      36381       35832
20000 x 10000 :       26373      28333       27913
30000 x 10000 :       15672      16786       16804
16777216 x 512 :        223        232         233
16777216 x 262144 :    8.96       10.7        10.8

Division :
8192 / 32 :          800782     672164      928075
8192 / 64 :          795968     683094      680328
8192 / 128 :         526394     365184      367509
8192 / 4096 :        119806     115299      114019
8192 / 8064 :       1646375    1618972     6714754
131072 / 65536 :       1373       1372        1393
8388608 / 4194304 :    4.03       4.40        4.47
16777216 / 262144 :    2.69       2.79        2.81

128 x 128 :         2229116    2131425     2191565
512 x 512 :          230145     156351      214626
8192 x 8192 :          5852       5453        5648
131072 x 131072 :      88.8       89.0        91.8
1048576 x 1048576 :    4.17       4.34        4.59

128 x 128 :          991393     694605      909401
512 x 512 :          179531     110886      148946
8192 x 8192 :          3700       2438        3428
131072 x 131072 :      52.1       51.4        54.5
1048576 x 1048576 :    2.79       2.66        2.90

512 :                 16190      15020       15019
1024 :                 3021       3128        3112
2048 :                  477        475         478

Pi :
10000 :                 328        332         335
100000 :               16.7       18.0        18.8
1000000 :              1.01       1.13        1.16

Overall :              1489       1460        1565



Squaring:         GMP 4.3.0 MPIR 1.2.0  MPIR 1.3.0
==========         ========  =========  ==========
128 x 128 :        52219920   55564735    55553695
512 x 512 :        12321692   12420943    12148952
8192 x 8192 :        159844     161622      162057
131072 x 131072 :      2483       2689        2714
2097152 x 2097152 :    88.8       99.8         101

128 x 128 :        52219920   55605250    55505909
512 x 512 :        10656260   12418369    12251151
8192 x 8192 :        108145     112543      111985
131072 x 131072 :      1712       2022        2012
2097152 x 2097152 :    58.2       68.0        68.3

15000 x 10000 :       53859      56976       54998
20000 x 10000 :       41146      44883       43507
30000 x 10000 :       23808      25990       25729
16777216 x 512 :        418        363         358
16777216 x 262144 :    10.9       11.4        11.4

Division :
8192 / 32 :         1417991    1245813     1537953
8192 / 64 :         1432755    1247058     1248305
8192 / 128 :         871200     674187      678989
8192 / 4096 :        170418     178373      194700
8192 / 8064 :       2284081    2109811     7527466
131072 / 65536 :       2056       2138        2503
8388608 / 4194304 :    5.31       6.16        3.42
16777216 / 262144 :    3.93       4.33        4.41

128 x 128 :         2060071    1889462     1878091
512 x 512 :          235945     181500      195688
8192 x 8192 :          7351       6591        6551
131072 x 131072 :       129        128         129
1048576 x 1048576 :    5.72       6.25        6.51

128 x 128 :          918836     396791      661980
512 x 512 :          176947      76129      135265
8192 x 8192 :          5030       3021        4395
131072 x 131072 :      79.6       77.0        81.6
1048576 x 1048576 :    3.69       3.90        4.26

512 :                 19198      21685       21623
1024 :                 4048       4750        4768
2048 :                  752        823         822

Pi :
10000 :                 635        656         664
100000 :               27.7       31.6        32.7
1000000 :              1.43       1.71        1.75

Overall :              1420       1449        1539

I guess the first order of business will be to work out why the large
speed regression in the 8388608 / 4194304 division on K10 (but not
core2). Everything else is looking good though.

We need to retune for the release, so these figures are preliminary.


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