On 25 September 2012 17:02, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I would *really* appreciate some help with the Mingw32 issue. What we
> need to do is bisect the repo (svn trunk) and rebuild mpir until we
> find out which commit caused mingw32 to stop working. It might only be
> necessary to run configure and check to see if config.h has been
> populated correctly with all the HAVE_NATIVE flags, which would save a
> lot of time.

Below is the relevant information from a previous post by Jason which
explains what goes wrong. It has always been a problem on MinGW64, but
seems to be a problem now on MinGW32.

At any rate, all that would be required is to build mpir from svn
trunk starting with the revision corresponding to mpir-2.5.1 (where it
presumably last worked on MinGW32), i.e. revision 3850 and find which
commit before revision 3949 causes the config.h file to not be
properly populated as explained by Jason below.

Any volunteers?


I figured out what going on here , basically configure is failing to
populate config.h with the required
#define HAVE_NATIVE_mpn_addmul_2 1
and all the others , it has always done this on mingw64 but because of
the way the C file redc_2 uses addmul_2 it now causes a problem.A
quick fix is to delete the lines in the mpn/generic/redc_2.c file
where it trys to redefine addmul_2

I don't know why configure fails to populate config.h , it manages to
do the sym links



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